Figure, 30 November 2019 – 31 January 2020

Exhibition by Tyl Kan + Sana Oung Ty
30 November 2019 – 31 January 2020
F3 (Friends Futures Factory)

Tyl Kan and Sana Oung Ty worked collaboratively to produce a series of portraits of models with diverse body types. The series celebrates their beauty by presenting the models in compositions that reference works of art of idealized human form like ancient Khmer statues, artworks of the European Renaissance, and the quintessential paintings of alluring women in waterfalls and carrying pots that have been popular for many decades in the Cambodian art shops. For Figure, Tyl and Sana recruited models who are unhappy or ashamed of their bodies in some way – too skinny, overweight, hairy or have stretch marks. While they have respected their privacy and anonymity, each image is an intimate exploration of shame and the need for love and acceptance.